Jubilee Motorsports is an open wheel racing team dedicated to providing a viable business partner in the motorsports industry. I initially worked with Jubilee providing marketing and graphic support for business presentations and driver press kits in their efforts to secure partners. That partnership lead to a refresh of their brand identity, apparel and vehicle wraps.
The Logo
The Background
Jubilee Motorsports is based upon Christian ethics and principles keeping their faith at the forefront of everything they do in business. Knowing that I began to think of concepts and ideas that could utilize symbolism and ideologies from the Christian faith while still maintaining a connection to their motorsports roots.
The Trinity
Utilizing the concept of the trinity (father, son , and holy spirit combined as God) I created a crown with three points, each representing a part of the trinity. The entire crown is surrounded by one continuous shape visually representing God being the whole of the parts and surrounding everything that they do in business.
The Crown
A crown represents strength, leadership and honor – all cornerstones of Jubilee Motorsports beliefs and business practices. Combining the crown and trinity tied together perfectly the visual representation and conceptual definition of what Jubilee Motorsports is and practices everyday.